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Le bâton dans la fourmilière (fourmillière)
22 mars 2006

Ascorbate de sodium et grippe aviaire

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Encore un texte très intéressant sur la grippe aviaire et le role qui est joué par l'ascorbate de sodium pour l'enrayer:

Avian (bird) flu

Le Docteur Cathcart, l'auteur du site, n'y va pas avec le dos de la cuillère !!! Je cite ce médecin (c'est moi qui souligne, et c'est encore une fois en anglais) au sujet du traitement de la grippe aviaire:

"Treatment of the Bird Flu with massive doses of ascorbate would be the same as any other flu except that the severity of the disease indicates that it may take unusually massive doses of ascorbic acid orally or even intravenous sodium ascorbate.  (Why the dose needed is somewhat proportional to the severity of the disease being treated is discussed in my paper published in 1981, Titrating to Bowel Tolerance, Anascorbemia, and Acute Induced Scurvy.)  I have not seen any flu yet that was not cured or markedly ameliorated by massive doses of vitamin C but it is possible that the bird flu may require even higher doses such as 150 to 300 grams a day.  Additionally, this flu could be primarily respiratory.  This means that hospitalization might be necessary.  If massive doses of ascorbate are not used, they may not be adequate.  Most hospitals will not allow adequate doses of ascorbate to be given.  (This is a legal problem because adequate doses of ascorbate are not practice of the community.)  Therefore, it may be up to the individual patient to have materials available for their own use.  These doses are easily tolerated by most but are much higher than doses thought high by 99.9% of the population.  Therefore, be very careful to read and understand this site.  If you want to use this ascorbate treatment in case you come down with this flu, please read all this now and be prepared.  I have seen runs on the market before with flues and you might not be able to buy ascorbic acid or have some physician give you sodium ascorbate intravenously when you need it.  Also, if you are not experienced with taking massive doses of ascorbic acid, practice before you have to.  Ascorbic acid is usually well tolerated by young people but it may be that if you have the slightest thing the matter with your stomach, esophagus or intestines, you better work with this before a crisis occurs and you have problems that you find too late.  Some people will have minimal gastritis that is no symptomatic and not even know it.  So practice and get help if you need it before a crisis.


The probable reason that birds carry this virus but it does not kill all of them is because birds make their own ascorbateIt does kill some of the birds because this H5N1 strain is very toxic and exceeds the ability of the birds to make ascorbate in some cases.  Humans do not make ascorbate.  However, in our chemical plants we can make more ascorbate than a bird.  We just have to have the brains to know how to use it properly and adequately.  The so-called experts in this disease are either unbelievably stupid or have their heads up the rear of the drug industry when they do not use massive doses of ascorbate to treat these dying patients.  They will not even test the serum levels of ascorbate because when it is found to be zero only an imbecile would not know to use massive levels of ascorbate.  The drug industry would not like that so they will not test the blood levels of ascorbate.  Screw the patients. Viva la profits of the drug industry."

Et plus loin, une deuxième citation:

"The whole reason that massive doses of ascorbate are so effective against a wide variety of diseases is that they can, for the first time, make it possible to eliminate almost all of the free radicals of many diseases.  If the physicians would pull their heads out of the drug industry's rear, they would recognize that this substance would be one of the most important means to treat all sorts of diseases.  This recognition, of course, would be a financial disaster for the drug industry and so has to be prevented no matter how many millions it kills over the years".

Fin des deux citations.

En effet, personne ne mesure le taux sanguin de vitamine C, que ce soit chez les oiseaux morts, ou chez les humains... Et tout le monde sait bien qu'en cas de grippe, le meilleur est la vitamine C !!! Qui n'a pas bu son grog avec des doses massives de jus de citron , d'orange ?!?

Le Dr. Mathias Rath ne dit pas autre chose au sujet de toutes sortes de maladies de civilisation (ici, ici)...

Le bâton dans la fourmilière (fourmillière)